Your National Commissioner Service Team exists to help you fulfill our mission and vision as commissioners. If you’ve ever wondered who they are and what they do, stop by for a visit here from time to time and catch up.
Your National Service Team is also available to visit and speak with your volunteers! Want the National Commissioner or a member of the service team at your event? Please fill out the linked form in its entirety to submit a request.
National Commissioner Service Team
Larry Chase | National Commissioner Service Chair | Contact Larry | Atlanta, GA | |
Karen Bengtson | Unit Service Support Group Chair | Contact Karen | Nashville, TN | |
John Cherry | Unit Service Operations Chair | Contact John | Atlanta, GA | |
T.W. Cook | Sea Scouting Chair | Contact T.W. | Georgetown, TX | |
Dick Davies | Exploring Chair | Contact Dick | New York, NY & Madison, WI | |
Luis Feliciano | Scouts BSA Chair | Contact Luis | Brooklyn, NY | |
Ken Gordon | Growing Scouting Chair | Contact Ken | Keller, TX | |
Mark Larson | Commissioner Facilitator National Service Territories 9 – 16 | Contact Mark | Richmond, VA | |
Mike Matzinger | Marketing & Communications Chair | Contact Mike | Greensboro, NC | |
Mati Mayfield | Roundtable Chair | Contact Mati | Ogden, UT | |
Kevin Phillips | Serving & Supporting Units Chair | Contact Kevin | Murfreesboro, TN | |
Tom Roberts | Venturing Chair | Contact Tom | Dahlonega, GA | |
Griffin Roblyer | Commissioner Engagement Chair | Contact Griffin | Knoxville, TN | |
Mike Rooney | Cub Scouting Chair | Contact Mike | Tempe, AZ | |
Angela Smith | Commissioner Facilitator National Service Territories 1-8 | Contact Angela | Decatur, TX | |
Anna Tuohy | Development Chair | Contact Anna | Chicago, IL | |
Mike Weber | Technology Chair | Contact Mike | Grand Blanc, MI |
Could you help increase the impact of Unit Service?
Your National Commissioner Service Team is always looking for volunteers who can strengthen the team and Unit Service. If you have expertise and interest in one of the areas on which the team focuses (Development, Exploring, Marketing & Communications, Program Support, Recruiting & Retention, Resources, Roundtable, Starting, Sustaining & Growing Units, or Technology) there might be an opportunity. If interested, download the Commissioner Service Team Interest Survey, complete it, and send it to
Be sure to include your email address in the body of the message if you would like a response.