This section provides a variety of materials, from quick references to complete courses, all designed to help our members improve leadership skills and deliver a quality program. Many of the courses can be taken online. A log-in is required; however, anyone may create a user account and view the courses. Registered members of Scouting America may provide their member numbers (as part of the user profile) to receive credit.
Cub Scouting
Scouting America
Sea Scouts
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)
The purpose of the ILST course is to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to most effectively reach success in that role. It is intended to help Scouts in leadership positions within their troop understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. ILST is the first course in the series of leadership training offered to Scouts and is a replacement for Troop Leadership Training. Completion of ILST is a prerequisite for Scouts to participate in the more advanced leadership courses National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC)
The Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews Course (ILSC) has been created to help Venturers learn and practice the attitudes and skills that good leaders demonstrate. The course is a series of lessons divided into three modules: Leading Self, Leading Others, and Leading Crews. The syllabus contains six and a half hours of instruction, but a course length may vary depending on facilitators’ choice of games, the content chosen for more extensive discussion, and the needs of the crew.
Completion of ILSC is a prerequisite for Venturers to participate in the more advanced leadership courses, such as, National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), and National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).
The 2021 Revision of Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC) instructor-led course includes the following major changes:
- This version of ILSC was reviewed by the NYLT task force to ensure that it was compatible with the new NYLT syllabus
- Course format revised to make it easier to read online or as a downloaded document.
- EDGE is now referred to as Scouting EDGE to align with NYLT during the Team Development session.
- Leadership tied to the Venturing motto “Lead the Adventure”
- Venturing terminology updated
- Vision session revised to align with NYLT “Start with Why” (reference to mission statement eliminated).
- Distinction between delegating and tasking added to the session on delegating.
- Session on calendaring (time management) added
- Session on keeping the crew on task added
- New games/activities with options added (a few activities were “retired”).
- Feedback from Venturers included as sidebars.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS)
ILSS is intended to help Sea Scouts in leadership positions within their ship understand their responsibilities and to equip them with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities. ILSS replaces the Venturing Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) and is a prerequisite for Sea Scouts to participate in the more advanced leadership courses (i.e., National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) ).

Welcome to Den Chief Training!
Scouts wishing to become den chiefs need to take this course. The module identifies den chief responsibilities and tasks, and describes the den chief’s relationship to the adult den leaders and how that relates to the den chief’s activities with the den. After finishing the training, den chief candidates receive their certificate of completion.

Youth Leadership Growth Opportunities
The Boy Scouts of America provides opportunities for youth to develop and improve their leadership skills in the unit, in the local council, and at national training centers. Click here to find out more about what leadership courses would be of the most benefit to you or your youth.
Venturing Goal Setting & Time Management Training Module
Below is the instructor’s guide for the Venturing Goal Setting and Time Management Training Module. This course will provides a fun, interactive learning experience in learning Time Management in a in a 3 ½ hour time period. The presentation of this module can be split up to accommodated to meet the needs of the crew. Completing this training module will fulfills the Venturing Discovery Award requirement for the goal setting-time management training course.

Mentoring for Venturing
Below is the instructor’s guide for the Mentoring for Venturing. This course will provides a interactive learning experience on Mentoring in a in a 2 hours. The presentation of this module can be split up to accommodated to meet the needs of the crew. Completing this training module will fulfills the Venturing Summit Award requirement for the Mentoring training course.

Venturing Project Management
This training is designed to prepare Venturers to effectively manage projects. It leads them through each essential step, including initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing.
Kodiak Challenge
The Kodiak syllabus is under review and not currently available.
National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE)
National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience is an exciting program that enhances leadership skills and expands upon the team-building and ethical decision-making skills learned in NYLT. NAYLE emphasizes leadership, teamwork, and selfless service, and uses the core elements of NYLT to help youth internalize and strengthen these skills. The National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience course is available at Philmont and The Summit. The material presented is basically the same at both venues but is site-specific.
Philmont NAYLE
Philmont offers participants an unforgettable backcountry experience where they use their NAYLE leadership skills to resolve exciting and challenging issues. Participants are introduced to and have an opportunity to build upon the legacy of Waite Phillips, the benefactors of Philmont Scout Ranch.
More information | View promo video | Scholarship Application
Bechtel Summit NAYLE
The Bechtel Summit offers participants an experience at the newest High Adventure base of the Boy Scouts of America. Participants will use their NYLT leadership skills to resolve exciting and challenging issues.
National Youth Leadership Training
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops.
NYLT Leadership Academy
The NYLT Leadership Academy trains youth staff to be top-notch presenters, evaluators, and leaders of their councils’ National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) courses. This intensive one-week course will improve course (NYLT) knowledge and problem-solving skills, which will help them run world-class NYLT programs.
More Information
Scholarship Information
Send your Scout to the NYLT Leadership Academy
Join us at the NYLT Leadership Academy!
NYLT Leadership Academy | The Next Level of Leadership Training (

Powder Horn
The Powder Horn syllabus is currently undergoing a review to ensure it aligns with the current NCAP and Health and Safety standards. If your council has plans to conduct a Powder Horn course in 2024 and you have not already communicated this information to Scouting U, please contact Kathy Craig at
Additionally, Scouting U is not accepting Powder Horn applications for 2025.
Hazardous Weather
Hazardous Weather training must be completed by Direct Contact Leaders to be considered position trained. The module presents safety precautions for eight different types of weather, as well as planning, preparation, and traditional weather signs. You will answer questions about the topics after each section. Completion is noted automatically in the Scouting America training records database and is only available online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.