Each rank in Cub Scouting has Adventures that take Cub Scouts outdoors. The outdoors can be urban or rural it does not need to be a remote location. From a one foot hike to a five mile hike Cub Scouts learn about their natural surroundings.

Pack Overnighter
Packs can conduct overnight campouts. A pack overnight campout can be a great way to get to know the families in the pack and to work on outdoor adventures.Packs may not conduct campouts longer then overnight. The location is a site that is approved by the local council using the Pack Overnight Campout Appraisal Form. In order to conduct an pack overnight campout at least one registered adult leader who is attending the campout must complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) training.

The Guide to Safe Scouting gives all the details on how to conduct events and activities. Leaders should bookmark this site and refer to it often.
Age Appropriate Guidelines for Camping gives a quick glance at what type of camping activities that are approved based on age.
Hazardous Weather Training is required training for adult leaders and is recommended for all adults. This online training can be found at my.scouting.org
Events that are offered by the council either directly or through the district are conducted in accordance with National Camp Accreditation Standards. For Cub Scouts these events are Council Organized Family Camp, Cub Scout Day Camp, and Cub Scout Resident Camp.

Council Organized Family Camp
Cub Scout families may participate in Council Organized Family Camp. These events may be called something less formal such as Parent and Pal or Cub Family Camp. The program is provided by the local council and the event may last two nights.

Cub Scout Day Camp
Offered as a three or five day event day camp provides opportunities to make new friends, earn new adventures, and participate in special activities.

Cub Scout Resident Camp
A long term overnight camping experience for cub scouts and their parent or guardian. Resident camps are three to five days usually held at a Scout owned camping facility.