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Go to your local store and try out the different Cub Scout Uniforms and more!

Visit a Local Scout Shop
Go to your local store and try out the different Cub Scout Uniforms and more!

Lion - Kindergarten
The Lion Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official Lion t-shirt.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Cap: Official navy-blue Lion cap.
- Neckerchief: Optional Lion neckerchief. The Lion den decides if they will wear the neckerchief.
- Neckerchief Slide: Optional Lion neckerchief slide.

Tiger - First Grade
The Tiger Cub Scout uniform has the following parts;
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Tiger socks have an orange band on the top.
- Hat: Official blue hat with orange front and Tiger emblem.
- Neckerchief: Orange triangular neckerchief with Tiger logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with orange Tiger emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.

Wolf - Second Grade
The Wolf Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Wolf socks have a yellow band on the top.
- Hat: Official hat red front and Wolf emblem.
- Neckerchief: Red triangular neckerchief with Wolf logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with red Wolf emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.

Bear - Third Grade
The Bear Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Bear socks have a yellow band on the top.
- Hat: Official blue hat with light blue front and Bear emblem.
- Neckerchief: Light blue triangular neckerchief with Bear logo. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform.
- Neckerchief Slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with light blue Bear emblem. Cub Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.

Webelos - Fourth Grade
The Webelos Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official blue uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.
- Belt: Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle.
- Socks: Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Bear socks have a yellow band on the top.
- Hat: Official green hat with Webelos plaid front and Webelos emblem.
- Neckerchief: Webelos plaid triangular neckerchief with Webelos logo.
- Neckerchief Slide: Official gold-tone metal slide with Webelos emblem.
- Adventures Colors: The Adventure Colors are worn on the right sleeve to display the Webelos Adventure Pins that have been earned.

Arrow of Light- Fifth Grade
The Arrow of Light Cub Scout uniform has the following parts:
- Shirt: The official tan uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets.
- Pants: The official green shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants.
- Belt: Official green web belt with BSA buckle.
- Socks: Official green socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee.
- Hat: Optional – Arrow of Light Scouts may wear any official BSA hat.
- Neckerchief: Optional – Arrow of Light Scouts may wear any official BSA neckerchief.
- Neckerchief Slide: Official Scouts BSA slide with BSA emblem.
- Adventures Colors: The Adventure Colors are worn on the right sleeve to display the Arrow of Light Adventure Pins that have been earned.
- Loops: Official Cub Scouts blue loops are worn on the shoulders of the shirt.