Boy Scouts of America

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The Mile Swim BSA award was introduced in 1961 by the BSA Health and Safety Service. The original purpose of the award was for Scouts to learn to swim a mile safely with ease. It was, and remains, a challenging recognition that contributes to fitness and safety. The last time the award requirements were updated was in 1981 when the purpose shifted from a worthwhile accomplishment promoting both safety and physical fitness to “encourage the development of physical fitness by introducing the youth to swimming as regular exercise.” Four hours of required training before swimming the mile was added as a requirement. 

Drawing from feedback gathered from BSA Aquatics personnel at camps nationwide, the revised Mile Swim BSA award is refocusing on enhancing swimming stroke effectiveness and efficiency, particularly for individuals seeking improvement. Most Scouts who can walk or bike on level ground for an hour or so without stopping will likely have enough stamina to swim a mile and there are numerous other Scouts BSA programs that promote and develop regular exercise. The Mile Swim BSA award purpose is to build confidence and improve water competency. 

UPDATED BSA Mile Swim Award Requirements: 

  1. Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth, level off, and begin swimming. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy, resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn.
  2. Learn through discussion and application how skill, stamina, stroke selection, and pace influence distance swimming.
  3. Pre-qualify for the mile by either swimming continuously for ¼ mile or otherwise demonstrating ability to the satisfaction of a counselor approved by the local council.
  4. Swim one mile under safe conditions over a course approved by the counselor supervising the swim. 

Program Implementation 

The revised Mile Swim BSA requirements are effective immediately (Spring/Summer 2024). It is recognized that many BSA camps will already have planned their camp summer aquatics program. Those camps may continue to present the previous (1981) version of the award program; however, all BSA Camps and Mile Swim BSA Counselors should plan on implementing the new Mile Swim BSA requirements for their 2025 programs. The Scouts BSA Mile Swim Emblem (SKU 245) and the Mile Swim Pocket Certificate (SKU 34394) remain unchanged. These recognition items are available at Award application and support materials can be found in the 2024 version of BSA Aquatics Supervision No. 34346 

The Mile Swim BSA aquatics award is the ultimate recognition of Scouts and Leaders swimming prowess. It is hoped that this revised version of the award will encourage more BSA members to take the plunge and achieve this award. 


Great news for Cub Scouts, as of June 1, 2024, there is a fishing adventure in every Cub Scout rank! Lion Scouts up to Arrow of Light Scouts can earn fishing elective adventures as they progressively learn how to become an accomplished angler. Fishing holds a special place in Scouting history, being one of the original merit badges, and recent surveys have consistently ranked it as one of the top outdoor activities. It’s no wonder that fishing serves as a fantastic recruiting tool for new Scouts and families alike. Fishing also retains Cub Scouts in the program because it is fun, builds useful skills and challenges them on so many levels. Moreover, fishing isn’t just a temporary activity; it’s a lifelong pursuit that Cub Scouts and their families can continue to enjoy together. Furthermore, fishing has the power to reignite the passion of those who may have drifted away from Scouting, as it fosters a sense of community within packs, where knowledge and skills are shared and passed down through generations, much like cherished traditions. 

How does it work? 

Each rank has specific requirements for fishing elective adventures. In addition, there are den leader resources on for each rank that will outline the basic requirements for earning the fishing elective adventures available on that will launch on June 1, 2024. These requirements emphasize fishing safety and basic fishing knowledge such as fish identification, fishing equipment, biology, casting skills and knots. The adventure always has a fun trip to go fishing with their pack and adult leaders.  

How do Cub Scout leaders make it successful? 

Fortunately, the BSA Certified Angler Instructor Working Group has been preparing for this for several years. They have created an extensive network of more than 2,000 Certified Angling Instructors (CAI) and Angling Educators (AE) to assist councils with their fishing programs. CAIs and AEs can teach fishing basics to parents and Cub Scout leaders and help them create successful fishing outings and provide fun programs. Leaders are encouraged to contact their local council fishing committee, sign up for an Angling Educator Class, or visit BSA Fishing for more information about Scouting’s Cub Scout fishing resources. 

Fishing is more than fun! 

The bottom-line is that fishing is a family-friendly, safe, and fun hands-on activity that is an excellent addition to Cub Scout pack programming. It is inexpensive to start a fishing program and teaches Scouts hand-eye coordination, cooperation, team skills, goal setting, environmental awareness, patience, outdoor survival, persistence, problem solving, friendly competition and at the end of the day … storytelling. Help a Scout tell a great fish tale by taking them on a fishing adventure! 


Ninety years ago, we made the very first standard-issue backpack for the Boy Scouts, the Yucca Pack. Ever since then, Diamond Brand Gear’s partnership with Scouts has been one of the most enduring and impactful parts of our legacy as a company. 

It was crafting durable, top-quality goods for Scout camps and councils — from bags and gear to our flagship canvas wall tents and packable Scouting tents — that first marked our entry to the world of gear craftsmanship. 

It’s only fitting, then, that we honor this partnership as the title sponsor of this year’s Boy Scouts of America National Outdoor Conference.

Why we’re proud to be 2021 BSA National Outdoor Conference sponsors

As the largest biennial gathering for Boy Scouts of America employees and volunteers, we’re thrilled to collaborate on such a key cornerstone of leadership in Scouting today. (And we were happy to donate commemorative messenger bags made from reclaimed tent materials, too!) Our support for the Scouting community goes far beyond a weekend’s event, though.

Tested by us, trusted by Scouts

From Camp Daniel Boone in North Carolina to the 137,000-acre Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, our tents, made by hand in the Blue Ridge foothills, are favored by Scout camps across the country for a reason. We craft them to last, using only the most durable of fabrics, sealed seams, triple reinforced corners and sturdy grommets. Tested in the harshest of conditions, and with an in-house repair shop to boot, our tents are designed to keep powering scouts’ adventures for generations.

Have any upcoming Scouting adventures of your own? Feel free to check out more of our time-tested, handcrafted gear for Scouts by tapping the button below. Your partners in adventure,The Diamond Brand Gear team

This article is sponsored by Diamond Brand as part of their great donation to the 2022 National Outdoor Conference.

National Jamboree

The next National Jamboree will be held July 22-31, 2026, at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Glen Jean, WV. In case you have not heard, the theme is ELEVATE and this event will ELEVATE your Scouting and will be a life changing experience not just for your Scouts but for you as well. 

So what is a Jamboree? It is Scouting’s premiere event where we gather with over 10,000 Scouts and Scouters who come together to celebrate the spirit of Scouting. The Jamboree is a life-changing experience for both youth and adults who attend. The memories and experiences they have last a lifetime. Friends that are made become lifelong companions and the shared experiences are talked about around campfires for years to come.  

So you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity as it only comes around every few years. If you miss this one the next one won’t be until 2029.  

Here are a few keys to ELEVATE your Jamboree knowledge.  

  1. ELEVATE your community and learn that Scouting is bigger than just my unit. We plan to have an arena show (or two) to gather the entire Jamboree together to celebrate Scouting and have a great time. it is a sight to see everyone together and to help youth to understand that Scouting is bigger than just my unit, district or council. Scouting is all of us and we will showcase this when we bring everyone together.  
  1. ELEVATE your Scouts by helping them come to the Jamboree! The Jamboree, like most things in Scouting, is only successful when we all work together. We need you to help promote the Jamboree to your unit, your district, your council and to your friends. We need you to help fill contingents of youth, so they do not miss this once in a lifetime event. Most Scouts will only have one opportunity to experience a Jamboree as a youth, so make sure that they don’t miss out.  
  1. ELEVATE your Scouting Journey! The Jamboree relies on great volunteers to help us in all aspects of the event. We need people to run programs, help in administration, operations and logistics to name a few. There is a job for you! Like other parts of Scouting if there is something you like to do, you can do it at the Jamboree. So look to be a part of the largest “staff” in Scouting.  
  1. ELEVATE your reach. If you are looking for some resources to help you get the word out, make sure to check out the Brand Center. Here you will find some social media ready photos and videos that you can share. You will also find the Jamboree “ELEVATE” theme logo and brand guidance. Click on this link to take you straight to the Jamboree resources. Go take a look now at the great images, and videos and share a couple on your social channels… I’ll wait…  
  1. ELEVATE your awareness. Now that you have seen (and shared) the videos, you are asking “How do I sign up?” Registration will open this fall, but until then keep up to date by signing up to receive notifications from us by visiting Here you will find all the information you need about the Jamboree. Bookmark the site as this will be your main source of information for all things Jamboree. If you did not get a chance to see it, you should also check out the “Trek on Tuesday” where despite some technical difficulties, we shared some great information about the Jamboree. You can find that discussion here. – 

The National Jamboree is Scouting premiere event so you definitely do not want to miss it. Make your plans now to participate as a contingent member or on the Jamboree Service Team (Staff). This will be our first Jamboree as Scouting America and you can’t say you have been to every Scouting America Jamboree if you miss the first one! Keep watching for more information and to get signed up.