The Commissioner Newsletter
a publication for commissioners and professionals
Fall 2021
Scott Sorrels
National Commissioner
Culture Matters
I recently read about Eagle Scout Nolan Ridgeway’s inspiring hike of 2653 miles along the Pacific Crest trail, extending from the…
Larry Chase
Service Chair
Culture - So What
It’s easy to get wrapped up in all the “stuff” going on in Scouting today; there are lots of distractions…
Linda Baker
Council Support Chair
The Ripple Effect
We’ve all seen or heard the awful results of subjecting people to toxic cultures—how the effects of hurt and frustration and…
Mike Weber
Technology Chair
Building Relationships and Unit Health Through Detailed Assessments
As commissioners, we rely on positive and continual relationships to do our job effectively…
Karen Bengtson
Commissioner Recruting and Retention Chair
Making a Difference Through Change
Changing the underlying culture of any large organization requires that core values be reassessed and long-term goals redefined. It takes time. Or …
John Cherry
Development Chair
Commissioner Culture: A Development Perspective
These seven words have the capacity to help transform unit service in the Boy Scouts of America. A key element of any successful organization….
Craig Martin
Program Chair
Exploring and Commissioner Culture
As a reminder, Exploring is a co-ed program for youth and young adults, ages 10 to 20, which provides opportunities for…
Steve Lee
Program Support Chair
Commissioner Culture - Program Support
Following Commissioner Week at the Philmont Training Center this summer, you may have noticed a new slogan…
Jim Libbin
Council Support Chair
Commissioner Culture and Unit Assesments
Every administrative commissioner, especially district and council commissioners, struggles with the low rates of…
Mike Moegenburg
Marketing and Communications Chair
Culture Starts with You
Growing Scouting is exciting because we can share the fun we have with more youth and impart important lessons along the…
Chris Beaver
Roundtable Support Chair
Roundtable Culture
A group’s culture indicates its customs and its achievements. In unit service, we certainly have customs and, in the end…
Sean Byrne
Resources Chair
Culture Includes Everyone
Across many of those articles you’ll read quite a few definitions on what culture is, you’ll learn why the culture…