Boy Scouts of America



Venturing Officer's Association (VOA)

A Venturing Officers’ Association, or VOA, consists of a team of youth officers who are supported by advisors. It provides leadership opportunities that prepare young people for their respective futures and gives them a voice to help strengthen the Venturing program. LEARN MORE

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

In concert with providing leadership to this youth group across all four regions we led a process through the National Venturing Youth cabinet to create a minimum set of standards for operating as a Venturing Officers Association (VOA), resulting in the National Venturing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). LEARN MORE

Starting a VOA

Venturing Officers’ Associations (VOA) provide opportunities for adventure, leadership, personal growth, and service (A-L-P-S). By doing so, they serve to share best practices in programming for local crews and to provide a program resource for Venturers and Advisors throughout the VOA’s area of operation. LEARN MORE

Meet Your Officers

The National Venturing Officers’ Association (NVOA) consists of our National Venturing President, National Venturing Vice President, four Regional Venturing Presidents, and their respective advisors. LEARN MORE

Meet Your Advisors

The National Venturing Officers’ Association (NVOA) consists of our National VOA President, National VOA Vice President, four Regional VOA Presidents, and their respective advisors. LEARN MORE

Request a NVOA Member

On select occasions NVOA Officers or Advisors may be available to attend events in order to inspire others, present trainings, lead discussions, act as keynote speakers, or explain opportunities available in Venturing throughout the nation. LEARN MORE

Apply To Be A VOA Officer

As a VOA Officer, you will have privilege and responsibility of serving the Venturing community. LEARN MORE

VOA Insignia

District and council patches are to be worn with silver shoulder loops. Area, regional, and national patches are to be worn with gold shoulder loops. LEARN MORE

Journey to Excellence

Scouting’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) is the Scouting America’s planning, performance, and recognition program designed to encourage and reward the success of our units, districts and councils. LEARN MORE

Previous JTE Award Recipients

Want to know more about the Previous JTE Awards Recipients? Enter here to find out who has earned this award in the past! LEARN MORE

VOA Volunteer Board

 Whether at the Council, Territory, or National level, VOAs support and promote the Venturing program by:

  1. Providing leadership opportunities
  2. Strengthening the Venturing program
  3. Sharing best practices.

This board is currently under development so check back often to learn what VOA volunteer opportunities are available! LEARN MORE