Boy Scouts of America

Meet Your Advisors

National Venturing Advisor

Julie Dalton Headshot

Julie Dalton

Julie began her Scouting journey as a Girl Scout, earning her First Class Award, and as the sister to four brothers in Boy Scouts. As a Scouting mother, she has two sons who earned their Eagle award and a daughter who earned her Outdoor Bronze Award. She has been active in her son’s pack and troop as a Den Leader and Troop Committee Chairman. When her daughter was finally able to join Venturing, she served as an Associate Advisor for her crew.

She has also been active at the district and council level, serving on the Training Team, as Activity Chair and as District Chair. She has also served as the Advisor to Quivira Council’s VOA, the Council Vice President of Program, as Council President, and now continues to serve on the council Executive Board. She has served for many years as the Central Region Area 5 Venturing Advisor. She has also served on several Wood Badge and Powder Horn courses and has been Course Director for both courses. She has attended five National Scout Jamborees and the most recent World Scout Jamboree.

Julie has received the council, area, region, and national Venturing Leadership Awards, Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, and is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow.

Professionally Julie manages a Trust Department for a community bank in Wichita, Kansas, where she also serves on the Board of Directors.

Contact Julie

Associate Advisor for Administration

Kris Zahrobsky

Kristopher J. Zahrobsky is from the Pathway to Adventure Council and is currently serving as the National Venturing Officers’ Association Associate Advisor of Administration, as well as the National Venturing Alumni Chair.

Prior to his current appointment, Kris served in area, regional, and national roles since 2001. He has previously served as National Venturing Advisor, National Venturing Committee Vice Chair, National Venturing Committee Vice Chair of Relationships, Central Region Venturing Chair and Advisor, Central Region Area 7 Venturing Chair and Advisor, and the Chair of the National Venturing Program Development Task Force. Before the realignment, Kris served as the Central Region Vice President of Program and as well as a member of the Central Region Executive Board. Outside of Venturing, Kris currently serves as his Council’s Vice President of Program and as a member of their Executive Committee and Executive Board. 

Kris is a life-long member of Scouting America. He started as a youth Tiger Cub and completed his youth tenure serving as the Central Region Venturing President from 2000-2001. Kris is an Arrow of Life Recipient, Eagle Scout, Exploring Gold Award Recipient, Venturing Silver Award Recipient, James E. West Fellow, Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow, and has received his Wood Badge beads. He has also received the council, region, and national Venturing Leadership Awards, the Training and Advisor’s Key Awards, the Philmont Training Center Master Track Knot, the Silver Beaver Award, the Silver Antelope Award, and the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award.

Outside of Scouting, Kris works in the fire and life safety industry, and enjoys spending time with his dog, Franklin, traveling, culinary exploration, bowling, softball, and haunted houses.

Contact Kris

Associate Advisor for Communication

Elizabeth  Kwock

Scouting was always a big part of Lizzy’s life.  Lizzy was a Girl Scout where she earned the First Class award, and was an Explorer Scout in the Engineering Post.   While living in Florida, her sons came home from school one day wanting to do archery and go camping, so she couldn’t say no.   All three of her sons attained the Eagle rank, were active Arrowmen, and her youngest eventually became President of his Area VOA.

Lizzy’s goal is to help all strive to be the best versions of themselves.  She founded a STEM-focused Venturing Crew, started the VOA in Aloha Council, and did two years as Roundtable Commissioner.  Lizzy was also a Scoutmaster for one of the first girl Troops and is currently starting a Sea Scout Ship where she is the Skipper.  She was recognized with the Silver Beaver, Council and Area Venturing Leadership Awards, but her most prized recognition is her Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow.   Lizzy was a Course Director and very involved in several Powder Horns, and Kodiak Challenges at her Council and at Philmont, and most recently a Course Director for the largest virtual Seabadge.

Professionally she did research in Material Science at the old AT&T Bell Laboratories, then took on the most important job of being a full-time parent. Her love for science and being a forever student keeps her nerdy and in love with the world.  Lizzy loves teaching the citizenship Merit Badges along with Chemistry, and claims to bleed WOSM purple.

Dream big, plan well, work hard, smile always and good things will happen.- Sally Huss

The meaning of Life is to find your gift.   The purpose of Life is to give it away.

Be the person you needed when you were younger.

Creativity is Intelligence having FUN — Albert Einstein

Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset.  –Joss Whedon

You got me.  I got you.  Shine, Dream, Smile.  — BTS, Mikrokosmos

Contact Elizabeth

Associate Advisor for Program

Elizabeth Finley

Elizabeth lives in the Northeast community of Elko, Nevada actively serving Scouting in that community and the Nevada Area Council since 1992. She has served as a Crew Advisor, Troop Committee Chairman and Unit Commissioner. Some of her district assignments have included University of Scouting Dean of Students, Eagle Board of Review Co-Chair for the Overland District, Asst. District Commissioner, and District Committee-At-Large. She has also served as the Western Region Associate Advisor for Program and the Western Region VOA Advisor.

International Scouting events has been one of Elizabeth’s favorite Venturing activities she has done with her children. She attended the World Scout Jamboree 2007 in England with her two oldest, her daughter and her son, as a Staff member at Gilwell. She attended the World Scout Jamboree 2015 in Japan as an Assoc. Advisor with the Western Region co-ed crew with her youngest. She had the great fortune to attend the 2017 World Scout Moot in Iceland with her youngest daughter.

Elizabeth has received the region and national Venturing Leadership Awards, District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, Advisor’s Key, International Scouters Award, Order of the Arrow Brotherhood, and her Duty to God Religious Award. As a youth she participated in what was Camp Fire Girls (now Campfire USA) and earned the WoHeLo medallion. She was also a competitive swimmer at both the age group and University level.

Elizabeth earned her BS in Biology at Pacific Lutheran University and holds a MS degree in Biology from Washington State University. She and her husband own a small animal Veterinary Clinic in Elko, Nevada. She describes herself as an Anglophile and visits her daughters often in the United Kingdom where they are University Students. Elizabeth also loves to read, hike, watercolor, and talk Venturing.

Contact Elizabeth

Associate Advisor for Territory Support

Elizabeth Morgan

We’re excited to announce that Elizabeth Morgan has recently been named as the Associate Advisor for Territory Support! Her biography and picture will be available soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need more information about Territory support, please don’t hesitate to use the form below. We’re here to help!

Contact Elizabeth