Boy Scouts of America



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Venturing events are organized by VOAs or by individual councils, areas, regions, or the National Service Center. Here you’ll find a calendar of events across the nation. While we will do our best to maintain accurate information as details change, this calendar is solely provided as a resource. LEARN MORE

Social Media

Many of our council, area, and region VOAs maintain their own social media pages to connect with their Venturers. We have linked to as many pages as possible. Additionally, you can like the National Venturing Facebook page by clicking here or you can follow us on Twitter @VenturingBSA. LEARN MORE

Latest Updates

Check back often to see the latest news regarding the Venturing program, including program updates, new material, special opportunities, and more. Use this valuable resource to make sure you have the more recent information in the Venturing world. LEARN MORE

Alumni Network

We have developed a Venturing alumni affinity group, operated by a subcommittee of the National Venturing Committee, and supported by the Scouting America, Venturing, and the Alumni Association, to service and support the alumni of the Venturing program, help them find purpose, empower them to reconnect and re-engage, and retain all those positively impacted by the Venturing program. LEARN MORE

VOA Volunteer Board

 Whether at the Council, Territory, or National level, VOAs support and promote the Venturing program by:

  1. Providing leadership opportunities
  2. Strengthening the Venturing program
  3. Sharing best practices.

This board is currently under development so check back often to learn what VOA volunteer opportunities are available! LEARN MORE