TAP (The Adventure Plan)This step-by-step planning guide for unit leaders covers all types of outdoor activities, from a simple hike to a national high adventure. It includes the four phases of planning: adventure selection, preparation, the adventure, and after the adventure. For links to many useful resources and for more information, go to
team(1)The Lion or Tiger and adult partner. (2) An administrative branch of a National Council department. Examples: “Professional Development Team,” “Environmental, Health and Safety Team.”
TenderfootThe second rank for Scouts BSA members; between the Scout rank and Second Class.
three R’sTraditionally, they are “reading, ’riting, and ’rithmetic.” In Scouting, the 3 R’s of youth protection are recognize, respond, and report.
TigerA Cub Scout who is in the first grade and registered, with an adult partner, as a member of a Tiger den.
Tiger denA group of five to eight Tigers and their adult partners who are part of a Cub Scout pack.
titles with namesIn general, confine capitalization to formal titles used directly before an individual’s name: “District Executive Karla Wallace,” “Karla was a district executive.” An exception is Chief Scout Executive, which is always capitalized. See also “capitalization.”
Top Hands conferenceThe plan of action for the BSA’s future direction is crafted in these meetings of Scout executives and regional and national personnel.
total available youth (TAY)The number of youth in an area who meet BSA membership requirements.
Totin’ ChipA recognition given to Scouts who subscribe to the Outdoor Code and understand and can demonstrate the proper handling, care, and use of woods tools.
trademarksWhen possible, use a generic equivalent for a trademarked name unless the trademark is essential. Some common examples: “adhesive bandage” rather than Band-Aid; “polystyrene plastic foam” (or “plastic foam”) rather than Styrofoam; “chocolate bar” rather than Hershey bar; “tissue” rather than Kleenex; “resealable plastic bag” rather than Ziploc bag; “flying disk” rather than Frisbee. When a trademark is used, capitalize it.
trading postThe camp or reservation store where equipment and supplies may be purchased by campers.
train-the-trainer conferenceIn this conference, the people responsible for training unit leaders become acquainted with the principles, methods, and techniques of training. The conference is held by a council or a cluster of councils. Do not capitalize unless giving the name of a specific conference: “Viking Council Train-the-trainer Conference.”
trained leaderEvery leadership position in Scouting has several training requirements to be considered fully trained. Leaders who complete all of the requirements for the particular position are qualified to wear the “trained” emblem on that uniform.
Trained Leader emblemThis emblem may be worn by all leaders, youth and adult, who have completed Youth Protection training and the basic training course(s) appropriate to their positions. It may be worn only in connection with the emblem of office for which training has been completed. Do not italicize.
treasurer(1) A Venturer elected to be responsible for funds in the crew. (2) A Scout who keeps a record of patrol dues and makes up a budget for patrol outings; appointed by the patrol leader.
troopThe unit that conducts Scouting for the chartered organization. Capitalize only when used with the troop number. Examples: “Scout troop,” “Troop 14,” “Scouts BSA troop.”
troop guideA youth leader who works with Scouts in the new-Scout patrol; appointed by the Scoutmaster in consultation with the assistant Scoutmaster responsible for new Scouts.
troop historianA youth leader who records the troop’s activities both in writing and visually; appointed by the senior patrol leader with the Scoutmaster’s advice and counsel.
troop open houseSame as “troop rally night.”
troop rally nightA coordinated council or district membership effort using volunteers and professionals in which youth are identified through a Scout-fact survey and referred to troops. The program at a troop rally night should be aimed to sell Scouting to prospective Scouts.
troop resource survey A survey of the talents, skills, and interests of adults who could provide program assistance to the troop.