Indian CampershipsAn Order of the Arrow program that provides partial summer camp fees for Scouts of American Indian lineage. Sometimes referred to as the Maury Clancy Indian Campership Fund.
instructor(1) This youth leader helps other youth members with rank advancement; appointed by the senior patrol leader with the Scoutmaster’s advice and consent. (2) This term can also apply to any youth or adult who can instruct others on parts of the Scouting program.
Interamerican Scout FoundationContributions to this nonprofit corporation support the Scouting movement in the Americas. See also “Order of the Condor.”
International Camp Staff programLocal councils throughout the United States employ qualified Scouters from other countries to be a part of their summer camp and Cub Scout day camp programs. Local councils and applicants complete and submit applications to the International Department of the BSA national service center. Applicants are screened by their own Scout organization, the BSA national service center, and the prospective hiring council.
international commissionerA volunteer Scouter who represents the Boy Scouts of America in matters dealing with other national Scout organizations and with the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
international representativeIn cooperation with the council leadership, a nominated volunteer keeps the council membership informed of the opportunities for program enrichment in the area of international Scouting.
International Scouters AwardPresented by the Boy Scouts of America, an award that recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting.
International Spirit AwardA temporary emblem awarded to registered Scouts and Scouters who have completed the necessary requirements, have gained a greater knowledge of international Scouting, and have developed a greater appreciation and awareness of different cultures and countries. This award replaces the International Activity emblem and the Youth Exchange emblem.
internetDo not capitalize.
interpreter stripA badge available to Scouts BSA members who can write, translate, and speak a foreign language or can carry on a conversation in American Sign Language or Morse code.
Introduction to Leadership SkillsThe first course in the youth leadership training continuum. There are versions for Scouts BSA members, Venturers, and Sea Scouts.
investitureA ceremony placing the responsibilities of an office or rank upon an individual.
IslamoradaSite of the Sea Base. It is pronounced aisle-a-more-AH-dah.
italicsUse italics in the following situations: for emphasis (but use sparingly), for some composition titles (see “composition titles”), for new vocabulary, and for foreign words that are not listed in the dictionary.