gift annuity programA program offered by the BSA at the national level where a donor makes a gift and receives guaranteed lifetime income for one or two people, based on their ages. When the income payments end, the remaining gift is distributed to the local council or Scouting entity chosen by the donor. Also known as a charitable gift annuity.
Gilwell ParkThe home of Scout leader training on the edge of Epping Forest, London, England. It is also the place the founder of Scouting, Robert Baden-Powell, chose as his original training ground. Gilwell Park is an international Scout activity center and training center of The Scout Association of the United Kingdom.
GLIPGeneral Liability Insurance Program. This program provides primary general liability coverage for registered volunteer Scouters, councils, and chartered organizations with respect to claims arising out of an official Scouting activity. It provides excess coverage for automobiles above a local council’s automobile liability policy or a volunteer’s watercraft liability policy. The owner’s vehicle or watercraft liability insurance is primary. The excess insurance, whether it is the local council auto or BSA general liability, is available only while the vehicle or watercraft is in the actual use of a Scouting unit and being used for a Scouting purpose.
Gold PalmSee “Eagle Palms.”
Good TurnA distinctive feature of Scouting is its emphasis on service to others. The Good Turn habit is one that all Scouts endeavor to acquire. Always capitalize. See also “Scout slogan.”
goodwill fundA budget item for every Cub Scout pack and Scout troop.
grand howlA special Cub Scout yell to recognize a leader or a Cub Scout’s achievement. May also be used to close a den or pack meeting. (See the Cub Scout Leader How-To Book.)
groupAn administrative branch of the National Council; comprises departments. Examples: “Program Group,” “Administrative Group.”
Growing Future Leaders CampaignA fundraising initiative led by the BSA National Foundation to raise $250 million for funding both new and existing programs and facilities at the local council and national levels.
grubmasterThe informal name of the Scout in charge of patrol hike and camp menus and assembling food for outdoor patrol activities; appointed by the patrol leader.
Guide to Safe ScoutingAn overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources first published in 1991. It is available in print, as a PDF to download, and as HTML.