National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE)Conducted at select high-adventure bases, this advanced training is designed to help prepare Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts for positions of leadership. National Youth Leadership Training is a prerequisite for this course.
National Annual Business MeetingAlways capitalize.
National Annual MeetingAlways capitalize.
National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP)The method used by the BSA for accrediting physical facilities, staff, programs, development, and provisions for the health and safety of camps.
National Camping SchoolA weeklong training experience for adults who are key staff members in council camp operations. Sections include Management, Program, Aquatics, Climbing, COPE, Ecology/Conservation, Outdoor Skills, Shooting Sports, and Trek Leader.
National Certificate of MeritThis award may be presented by the National Court of Honor to a registered BSA member, youth or adult, who has performed a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition. Such action need not involve attempts of rescue or risk to self but puts into practice Scouting skills or ideals. See also “Local Council Certificate of Merit.”
national chairThis title replaced “national president” in 2018. This individual is the volunteer who chairs the National Council, National Executive Board, and National Executive Committee.
national chiefThe top youth Arrowman in the Order of the Arrow. This position is elected by youth Arrowmen. Lowercase except when used as a title with a name: “National Chief Pete Mitchell.”
National CouncilThis is the corporate entity chartered by the United States Congress to operate the program of the Boy Scouts of America. Members include all elected members of the National Executive Board, members of regional executive committees, elected local council representatives, elected members at large, and elected (nonvoting) honorary members. The program of the National Council is directed by the National Executive Board and administered by the Chief Scout Executive and a staff of professional Scouters at the national service center and in other locations.
National Court of HonorA committee of the Boy Scouts of America that is responsible for administering lifesaving awards, meritorious action awards, and distinguished service awards.
National Distribution CenterThe Supply Group warehouse from which BSA equipment and supplies are dispensed. The address is 2109 Westinghouse Blvd.; P.O. Box 7143; Charlotte, NC 28241-7143.
National Eagle Scout AssociationThis group provides an opportunity for all Eagle Scouts to retain identification with Scouting through service to the local council in which they live.
National Executive BoardSee “executive board.”
National JamboreeSee “Jamboree.”
National Leadership SeminarA weekend leadership training conference conducted by the Order of the Arrow at the regional level.
National Leadership Training Conference (NLTC)Held annually at a selected location for region training chairs, area training chairs, council training chairs, and selected district training chairs and subject-matter experts. This is where current and future training products to support Scouting are discussed.
National Medal for Outdoor AchievementThe highest recognition a Scout, Venturer, or Sea Scout can earn for exemplary achievement, experience, and skill in multiple areas of outdoor endeavor. This is the only award that allows a Scout to carry over progress on the award from one Scouting program to another. For example, a Scout can start working on this award and then join Venturing and continue to work on it.
national officeSee “National Service Center.”
National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC)The Order of the Arrow’s biennial conference, designed to improve program and leadership skills of all Arrowmen. Training, activities, shows, and American Indian activities are included in this five-day, even-year event. Capitalize all instances: “2018 National Order of the Arrow Conference,” “last year’s National Order of the Arrow Conference.”
National Outdoor AwardsA program designed to recognize Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts who demonstrate knowledge and experience in camping, hiking, aquatics, riding, adventure, and conservation.
National Outdoor Leadership Seminar (NOLS)Scouting’s largest gathering of volunteers and professionals responsible for delivering the world’s greatest outdoor program for youth. It is four days of elective sessions, keynote speakers, outdoor vendor exhibits, outdoor excursions, special program opportunities, networking, and fellowship with Scouting’s top outdoor leaders.
national Scout associationUsed to describe the national Scouting groups in any particular country. In the case of a country having more than one NSA, a federation called a national Scout organization (NSO) is formed for the purpose of national coordination and membership in the World Organization of the Scout Movement. There can be only one NSO per country, and the NSO must gain recognition from the World Scout Conference.
National Scouting Museum–Philmont Scout RanchEstablished in 1959 and relocated to the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico, in 2017, the National Scouting Museum is recognized as the official museum of the Boy Scouts of America. Its mission is to preserve the legacy of Scouting and promote the organization to future generations. The museum houses two large exhibit galleries that explain the history and programs of Scouting, the Order of the Arrow, Philmont Scout Ranch, and the American Southwest. The museum also houses a multifaceted collection of Scouting fine art, objects, and archives.
National Service Center The administrative offices of the Boy Scouts of America. The address is Boy Scouts of America, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079.
national vice chiefThe youth Arrowman elected by peers to assist the national chief. Lowercase except when used as a title with a name.
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)Local councils conduct this weeklong leadership training experience for youth leaders. Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC), or Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS) are prerequisites for this course.
National Youth Leadership Training Leadership AcademyThe NYLT Leadership Academy trains local council youth staff to be world-class presenters, evaluators, and leaders of their home council's NYLT courses.
Native AmericanDo not use. See “American Indian.”
new member coordinatorA volunteer position that serves as a welcoming ambassador for a unit. The coordinator forms a connection with new members and their families and reports to the unit committee chair.
new-Scout patrolA youth who joins a Scout troop becomes a member of a patrol composed of new Scouts, where an assistant Scoutmaster and a troop guide help the youth get a good start in Scouting.
new-unit organizationA systematic approach to organizing a large number of units that includes techniques for recruiting the right volunteers, careful planning and scheduling, and an effective publicity campaign.
Northern Tier National High Adventure ProgramThe Charles L. Sommers High Adventure Base in Ely, Minnesota; the Northern Expeditions Base in Bissett, Manitoba, Canada; and the Donald Rogert Canoeing High Adventure Base in Atikokan, Ontario, Canada, serve as the launching points for canoeing, fishing, and camping by older Scouts, Venturers, and families of registered adult BSA members. Cold-weather camping is offered only at the Ely base camp. Mailing address: Northern Tier National High Adventure; Boy Scouts of America; P.O. Box 509; Ely, MN 55731-0509. See also “Okpik.”
Now & ThenA quarterly newsletter for the retired men and women of Scouting.