Boy Scouts of America

International Travel and Events

With more than 170 member organizations within the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), there are many international Scouting events each year. They provide a great opportunity for our BSA members to connect with the world, to learn about other countries, people, and cultures through Scouting activities, and make new friendships as part of their Scouting adventure.

Are you interested in being a member for a BSA contingent to a world event? This is the general interest form for adults (>18 years old) that will collect interest for world events on a rolling basis. Apply here. 

International Committee Events

“International Adventures In Scouting” - Philmont Training Center Conference

The Leadership of Scouting America International Committee has announced the “International Adventures in Scouting” course will be held the week of June 16 – 21, 2024 at the Philmont Training Center in Cimmaron, New Mexico.

The course is a wonderful opportunity to learn about international scouting programs and events, planning international trips to other countries for your unit or council, National Scouting Organizations (NSO) events, approvals needed by councils and the Scouting America International Committee and much more!
Did you know that some NSOs offer summer scouting exchange programs? What is WOSM? How can you bring international scouting programs to your unit; roundtable; and council?

You will also have the chance to enjoy Philmont and its many activities before you leave the ranch.

Philmont Training Center Conferences

International Campfire Talks


The International Campfire Talks series serves to connect members of Scouting America to other National Scouting Organizations (NSOs) via our Facebook Page and YouTube. Listen and watch as we navigate the six different WOSM Regions. Check it out! 

International Events Outside the USA

There are 2 main ways that Scouts in Scouting America can participate in Scouting events outside of the USA:

1. Join a BSA National Contingent to an upcoming World or
International Region Sponsored Event outside of the USA.

There are certain types of events that only allow participation through a nationally organized contingent. Luckily for Scouts and Scouters like you, the International Department has got you covered and organizes a contingent as way for Scouts from Scouting America to participate. 

These events can range from World events like World Scout Jamborees or Moots (Jamborees for 18-25 year-olds) to slightly smaller events like Regional JamCams or Jamborees. If you are interested in attending any of the events listed below, you will need to register through the International Department in order to attend.

2. Attend an International Scouting event that does not have a
National Contingent with your Troop or Crew outside of the USA

There are many Scouting events going on around the world that do not require a nationally organized contingent in order to participate. These types of events range from a local jamboree/jamborette up to another country’s National Jamboree. In order to participate in events like these, please register through the event host. In many cases, BSA membership verification will be required by the host National Scout Organization (NSO). 

Units that are traveling internationally specifically to attend a Scouting event are asked to fill out an ILI & Event Verification Request (Option B) which can be found here


While you are considering future International Scouting Travel, now is a great time to review one of the resources offered by the International Committee and Department: the International Letter of Introduction (ILI) and Event Verification Request. Let’s take a look at what it is and the process to request an ILI or event verification: check out this page to learn more about the ILI and a FAQ page. 

The International Letter of Introduction is recognized by Member Organizations as the standard form of introduction of a Scout or leader when travelling internationally. The letter’s sole purpose is to establish the identity of the bearer, and to entitle him or her to be welcomed as a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). It conveys no special privileges, including any entitlement to hospitality.

An ILI is a great resource to have if you are planning to travel internationally unrelated to Scouting, but have an interest in connecting with Scouts from other countries during your travels. Think of it as a way to say, “Hello, I’m a Scout!” You can download the ILI and Event Verification form by clicking here

Forms and Resources