Boy Scouts of America

Composite Materials Merit Badge

Composite Materials
Merit Badge

Scouting America Merit Badge Hub

Scouting America
Merit Badge Hub


Composite Materials Merit Badge Overview

Composites can be found just about everywhere: in airplanes and sports cars, golf clubs and guitars, boats and baseball bats, bathtubs and circuit boards, and even bridges. Composites make bicycles and skis lighter, kayaks and canoes stronger, houses warmer, and helmets tougher.

Composite Materials Merit Badge Requirements

The previous version of the Merit Badge requirements can be found in Scoutbook

The requirements will be fed dynamically using the scout book integration
1. Do the following:
  • (a) Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while working with composite materials and what you should do to anticipate, mitigate, and prevent, and respond to these hazards. Describe the appropriate safety gear and clothing that should be used when working with composite materials.
  • (b) Explain the precautions that must be taken when handling, storing, and disposing of resins,