Boy Scouts of America



a publication for commissioners and professionals

Spring 2022

Linda Baker
Commissioner Facilitator NSTs 9-16


Building Codes, Blueprints, and Collaborative Design: How Commissioners Can Use Annual Planning to Strengthen Scouting’s Building Processes

Commissioners strengthen Scouting as they encourage and facilitate the annual planning of units, districts, and councils. Commissioners strengthen their own Scouting engagement when they develop personal annual plans as groups and as individuals.

Construction is never easy, whether you serve as a design consultant, information resource, collaboration facilitator, or lead planner. Both “Be Prepared” and “Do Your Best” have roles in building a physical structure or building an annual plan for Scouting.

Guidelines. When we prepare to build a physical structure, it’s wise to start by looking at guidelines, including zoning and building codes—the rules that apply to the situation. We want the structure to be strong and safe.

  • Commissioners can help units, districts, and councils in annual planning by ensuring that Scouters have the guidance provided by national policies and authorized processes. For example, has the unit accessed the latest Guide to Safe Scouting to be sure of the rules governing proposed activities, and has the council looked closely at the latest NCAP standards?
  • To prepare themselves and their unit service teams to develop an annual plan, commissioners also need to recognize the protocols and parameters in which they fulfill their specific roles.

Blueprints and Previous Plans. Before we move forward with building that physical structure, it’s good to be aware of any framework that already exists. Have blueprints been drawn by previous stakeholders, for example?

  • Commissioners can help Scouters access the resources that might provide a framework. Can previous unit calendars help? Can the council’s existing strategic plan be referenced? Are there elements of a national recruitment campaign or an online membership best practice that can be incorporated into local planning?
  • Annual plans commissioners build for themselves benefit from research and reflection about local and national seasonal priorities.

Engagement of Stakeholders. How can those with a vested interest in the building project contribute ideas/concerns? What knowledge and skills do they bring? How can we organize their engagement and equip them to be successful in the planning and the follow-through?

  • How does the annual planning process enable commissioners to “Be the heart. Build Relationships. Change lives.”? Encouraging conversations with unit, district, and council leaders can help them to identify people to be part of annual planning and to envision how these stakeholders can engage collaboratively.
  • Personal annual planning is strengthened by consulting with others who have a stake in the outcomes.

Curb Appeal. The interest and sales potential of a new building depend largely on its curb appeal. How welcoming and inviting is it?

  • Commissioners can help build interest in the Scouting annual plan so that it’s appealing to be part of implementing the action steps.
  • When a group of commissioners develop their own annual plan, they are collectively responsible for generating enthusiasm about seeing it in action.

Accessibility and Ownership. The project leads overseeing construction need to establish that those who will live and work in the facility have easy access and feel ownership.

  • When a unit, district, or council feels that an annual plan is truly theirs, it won’t just be filed away for future reference. Instead, it will be used all the time, and those involved will feel responsible for ensuring the plan’s success. The plan will become an important part of daily routine.
  • When an individual commissioner or a commissioner team develops an annual plan for themselves, it becomes not just a document but a step-by-step to-do list for the individual or team.

Commissioners can use annual planning to strengthen Scouting’s building processes.

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