Boy Scouts of America



a publication for commissioners and professionals

Winter 2022


Chris Beaver
Roundtable Chair

Kindle the Flame of Scouting Through Your Roundtable Program

When I attend roundtable, I leave energized and refreshed.”

This is a sentiment I hear Scouters throughout the BSA express frequently. Truly, something as simple as a monthly gathering can prove to be just the pick-me-up Scouting volunteers need. In fact, the power of a district/council roundtable program lies in its objectives: giving and receiving information, informal training, and networking with other Scouters and subject matter experts. As commissioners, we strive to provide unit leaders with the skill to do and the will to do. And it is in this willingness to do Scouting that roundtable shines as a vital component of unit service. Yes – a consistently planned, promoted, and executed roundtable program keeps us all engaged in the good work we do.

In the above, we know roundtable is beneficial to unit service, but it’s also a cornerstone of sustaining the movement as a whole.

We often speak of the impact roundtable has on unit leaders, but there is another avenue we might explore as we seek to strengthen and sustain Scouting in our respective communities—youth involvement. If it weren’t for the young people we serve, there would be no BSA, so consider engaging Scouts at the district level by offering them a chance to shine as a roundtable guest speaker. Who doesn’t love to see a Scout succeed in a leadership role? After all, this is one of our aims. Why not invite a den chief to promote their position during a Cub Scout breakout session? Perhaps ask Scouts to do a deep dive into high adventure planning during the Scouts BSA breakout. If your district or council offers a Venturing breakout, perhaps you could invite a member of the Venturing Officers Association to serve as an expert speaker.

In other cases, you might know of capable adult volunteers who serve at the unit level and seek another role within our movement. A long-time troop volunteer could be just the thing your roundtable program needs to boost engagement. Outgoing, knowledgeable Scouters make excellent roundtable commissioners! Or perhaps a recurring guest speaker engagement at roundtable might be appealing. The point is Scouters look for ways to give back, and a simple “ask” from their unit service team might yield excellent results. As a commissioner, you have the ability to engage and retain valuable Scouting volunteers in your respective communities.

These days it is easy to become overwhelmed by the pandemic, societal unrest, and distractions of all sorts. But when we Scouters step back and observe the good work we do—the smiling Cub Scout who earns their Bobcat badge or the Scout who completes their Distinguished Conservation Service Award—we regain that sense of willingness to serve young people. We must always kindle in our hearts the spirit of Scouting, for as commissioners we are the heart of the movement. When we reach out and lift up those in need, Scouts and Scouters alike, we build valuable, lasting relationships. We acknowledge the power of the Scout Oath and Law on the lives of young and old, and we know that we change lives for the better. I encourage you to stay strong and look for the burning flame of Scouting in each of us. Be the heart, build relationships, change lives.

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