Boy Scouts of America

Orienteering Merit Badge

Merit Badge

Scouting America Merit Badge Hub

Scouting America
Merit Badge Hub


Orienteering Merit Badge Overview

Orienteering, the use of map and compass to find locations and plan a journey, has been a vital skill for humans for thousands of years. Orienteering is also a recognized sport at the Olympic Games, and thousands of people participate in the sport each year in local clubs and competitions.

Orienteering Merit Badge Requirements

The previous version of the Merit Badge requirements can be found in Scoutbook

The requirements will be fed dynamically using the scout book integration
  • *Note to the Counselor: While orienteering is primarily an individual sport, BSA Youth Protection procedures call for using the buddy system. Requirement 7a can be completed by pairs or groups of Scouts.

1. Show that you know first aid for the following types of injuries that could occur while orienteering: cuts, scratches, blisters, snakebite, insect stings, tick bites, heat and cold reactions (sunburn, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, hypothermia), dehydration. Explain to your counselor why you should be able to identify poisonous plants and poisonous animals that are found in your area.