Boy Scouts of America

Forestry Merit Badge

Merit Badge

Scouting America Merit Badge Hub

Scouting America
Merit Badge Hub


Forestry Merit Badge Overview

In working through the Forestry merit badge requirements, Scouts will explore the remarkable complexity of a forest and identify many species of trees and plants and the roles they play in a forest’s life cycle.They will also discover some of the resources forests provide to humans and come to understand that people have a very large part to play in sustaining the health of forests.

Forestry Merit Badge Requirements

The previous version of the Merit Badge requirements can be found in Scoutbook

The requirements will be fed dynamically using the scout book integration 55
1. Prepare a field notebook, make a collection, and identify 15 species of trees, wild shrubs, or vines in a local forested area. Write a description in which you identify and discuss the following:
  • (a) The characteristics of leaf, twig, cone, or fruiting bodies
  • (b) The habitat in which these trees, shrubs, or vines are found.
  • (c) The important ways each tree, shrub, or vine is used by humans or wildlife and whether the species is native or was introduced to the area. If it is not native, explain whether it is considered invasive or potentially invasive.