Boy Scouts of America

Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge

Automotive Maintenance
Merit Badge

Scouting America Merit Badge Hub

Scouting America
Merit Badge Hub


Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Overview

Modern automobiles are important to many aspects of American life. Those who service automobiles must understand each principle, and how these principles interact to provide smooth, efficient performance. Owners of cars also benefit by understanding how their vehicles operate. This enables them to understand why certain periodic maintenance is required to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape.

Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge Requirements

The previous version of the Merit Badge requirements can be found in Scoutbook

The requirements will be fed dynamically using the scout book integration 14
  • * May be done in lakes or streams.

Note: You will need access to a car or truck and its owner's manual to meet some requirements for this merit badge. If you do not have your own vehicle, you should work