2025 National Outdoor Conference
- Philmont Training Center
National Outdoor Conference
September 17-21, 2025
The National Outdoor Conference is a biennial event that features speaker sessions, keynote events led by distinguished industry experts, peer-to-peer informal discussion groups, and many other learning opportunities. All participants will enjoy the chance to experience a small part of the outdoor adventures Philmont offers.
The 2025 National Outdoor Conference will be held September 17-21, 2025. Sign up for email alerts above to be informed when more details are shared.
Event Schedule, Housing, & Registration Details Coming Soon
Preconference Workshops
Preconference workshops will be held Sunday evening-Wednesday leading up to the start of the National Outdoor Conference. National Outdoor Conference registration is required to attend a preconference. Additional fees apply and include program supplies, lodging and meals. Preconference courses will conclude no later than lunch on Wednesday, September 27th.
Preconference Sessions:
Details of the event
Event Schedule
The National Outdoor Conference is Scouting’s largest biennial conference for volunteers and professionals charged with delivering the world’s greatest outdoor program for youth! The National Outdoor Conference features elective sessions, keynote speakers, vendor exhibits, and fellowship with Scouting’s top outdoor leaders.
Join fellow Scouters and outdoor enthusiasts from across the country to learn new methods, share ideas, and check out the latest in outdoor gear and programs. This is the conference to take part in if you are involved in any way with outdoor programs and property management in Scouting America.
Anyone and everyone involved in national, territory, council, district, and unit outdoor program delivery. That means Scout Executives, directors of support services, program directors, rangers, camp directors, council presidents, council board members, district committee members and council program vice presidents. Anyone who chairs a committee on council and district camping, properties, conservation, aquatics, range & target activities or COPE/climbing should also plan to attend, as should properties chairpersons and other volunteers or professionals responsible for delivery of outdoor programs and property management.
This year’s conference will focus on five key areas. These include:
- Leading Youth Safety Forward
This track equips camp leaders with the knowledge and tools to make safety a top priority in all aspects of camp operations. Sessions will focus on best practices for safeguarding youth, enhancing staff training, and fostering a culture of physical, emotional, and mental safety at camp. - Change and Improve the Way We Work Together
Focusing on collaboration, this track offers strategies to improving collaboration across all levels of the organization, including between local councils and camp operations. - Make Our Programs Highly Relevant to Today’s Youth
This track will explore ways to refresh camp programs to better align with the interests, values, and expectations of today’s youth. Sessions will provide actionable ideas for incorporating modern technology, innovative activities, and youth-driven programming into the outdoor experience. - Broaden Our Appeal and Revitalize Our Brand
This track helps camp leaders enhance outreach efforts and boost the Scouting America camping and outdoor image within their communities, both internal and external. Participants will learn strategies for attracting a more diverse group of campers, engaging new audiences, and positioning their camp as a must-attend experience for youth. - Strengthen Our Financial Position
Designed for council and camp leadership looking to build financial sustainability, this track covers topics like increasing camp attendance, improving fundraising efforts, and maximizing resource efficiency. Leaders will leave with practical tools to secure their camp’s financial future.
Educational Sessions
- Attend sessions on all things camping and outdoors.
- Learn practical skills that you can take back to your local council and apply IMMEDIATELY.
- Expand your reach in Scouting and learn some proven practices from across Scouting America.
Exhibit Area
Take advantage of the exhibit hall to meet with camping vendors and other event sponsors from across the country. See products from outdoor equipment vendors, outdoor agencies, and many of Scouting America’s national volunteer outdoor program committees. Many exhibits will include a hands-on opportunity to test gear and equipment.
Set up meeting with your friends and colleagues from across the country in the camping community.
Guest Speakers
Guest speakers will offer keynote style address in addition to some great elective sessions.
Enjoy Philmont
Many exciting and informative adventures are available on Saturday afternoon, September 20th, to see and experience Philmont and New Mexico. Participants may take advantage of a variety of options at Philmont, visit local museums, or sightsee around northeastern New Mexico. You will sign up officially on-site during the event. You can take a day hike to one of the Philmont landmarks, cast your line for trout in a swift-flowing mountain stream, or saddle up for a high-altitude horseback ride. Perhaps you’d like to take one of several backcountry drives through the mountains to see some of Philmont’s historic camps and spectacular scenery. Or, closer to civilization, you can tour Philmont’s base camp facilities and the famous Villa Philmonte, which was the summer home of Waite Phillips. Or take an operational tour with maintenance experts to learn what goes into keeping the world’s largest camp running. A whole smorgasbord of interesting events will be available for your selection.
Conference Attire
Casual dress and western wear are perfect for this conference. Denim is always welcome at Philmont!
September in New Mexico offers crisp nights and warm days. An early season snowfall is not out of the question, but is rare. Bring layered clothing that will allow you to adjust for daytime temperatures in the 60s or 70s and nighttime temperatures in the 20s or 30s.
Philmont Scout Ranch is located near Cimarron in northeastern New Mexico. Major airports serving the region are located in Albuquerque (220 miles), Colorado Springs (190 miles), and Denver (270 miles).
There are Amtrak and Greyhound stations located in Raton, New Mexico (45 miles). Ample parking is available for private or rental vehicles. Shuttle service will be provided from the Raton, New Mexico, Amtrak or Greyhound stations for $50 round-trip. Click here to sign up for the Philmont Raton Shuttle.
For those wanting to share rides, we will provide contact information of anyone who can take riders or who also wants to share rides from and to the Denver and Albuquerque airports. Please indicate on your online registration if you are interested in carpooling opportunities.
Facilities and Meals
Most conference activities and meals will be held at the Philmont Training Center (PTC). Meals begin with dinner on September 17th and conclude with breakfast on September 20th (11 meals total). Please indicate any special dietary needs you may have in the dietary needs section of your online registration.
Present at the Conference! Would you like to present at the National Outdoor Conference? Fill out the Request for Proposals here. Sessions must focus on one of the above topics. See the RFP link for complete details.
A list of elective sessions will be provided in advance of the conference.