Boy Scouts of America

**UPDATE: European Jamboree 2021 August 2-13, Canceled **

BSA National Contingent


Update on European Jamboree 2020+1

Over the past few weeks, the European Jamboree Executive Team (JET), in conjunction with the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS and the city of Gdańsk, have carefully analyzed the current situation.

After reviewing all available data, the JET has announced today that they regrettably have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the European Jamboree 2020+1. 

The decision relied on two main factors that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic:

1) The number of registered participants did not reach the necessary threshold to ensure a financially feasible event.

2) The volatility of pandemic remains high, resulting in continued uncertainty regarding the ability to hold a large-scale outdoor event.

This pandemic has been and continues to affect us all in unprecedented ways. We continue to look forward to the future when we can again share in Scouting fellowship with our International brethren. Until then, we hope that you and your family remain safe and well.    
          Those that had previously registered for the 2020 European Jamboree will be contacted by the International Department directly. Please send any questions to
          John Nieradka, BSA Head of Contingent for 2020+1 European Jamboree
           Janine Halverson, Director, International BSA

**EJ2020 has been Canceled**

Hosted by the Polish Association of Scouts and Guides, the European Jamboree 2020 will be a great opportunity to meet and interact with Scouts from all around Europe and world. 

About the European Jamboree 2020: Theme and Location

The Theme – ACT!  (from

1. Every Scout and Guide possesses potential to become a driver of social change. So come to the Jamboree to WAKE UP and discover your power! You will interACT with Scouts and Guides of various cultures, various languages and various countries.

2. Use your time at the Jamboree to LOOK AROUND (the Global Goals will guide you), to learn through adventures, eye-opening discussions, and inspiring workshops. 

3. Using your skills and knowing where the helping hand is needed, ACT and make a change in the society. ACT wisely. ACT decisively.

The Location – Sobieszewo Island, Gdansk, Poland (from

Sobieszewo is a unique district of the city of Gdańsk, surrounded by the Śmiała Wisła river on the West, the Martwa Wisła river on the South, the Przekop Wisły on the East (all of these being branches of the longest Polish river, the Vistula – Wisła) and to top it all, the Bay of Gdańsk on the Baltic Sea on the North. The Island is a part of the Mierzeja Wiślana.

Sobieszewo Island is an area of about 35 km2  with more than 1000 hectare of woods. The beach, 11 kilometers long, is the longest one in Gdańsk. On the Island there are two nature reserves: Ptasi Raj (Birds’ Paradise) on the western end of Śmiała Wisła and Mewia Łacha (Seagull Dune) on the East, near Przekop Wisły.

Additional Resources from the Host
More general information about the European Jamboree 2020 is available at

Additional Resources from the BSA International Department 
Want to learn more about international Scouting, WOSM and more? Visit the BSA International Department homepage!

Who is eligible to take part in European Jamboree 2020?

Youth Participants (boys and girls) must be age 14 – 17: Birthday between August 6, 2002 and July 26, 2006. CMT and IST members must be age 18 or older: Birthday before July 27, 2002. Unit Leaders must be 21; Birthday before July 27, 1999. All applicants MUST be registered with BSA currently and at time of participation in European Jamboree 2020.

...and are there any additional participant requirements?

All participants (both Youth and Adult) for the BSA National Contingent must hold a current registration with the BSA at the time of registration and at the time of the event. Participants may also be required to complete WOSM “Safe from Harm” training prior to arrival or as required by European Jamboree Host Team.

Additional (Preferred) requirements for Unit Leaders are as follows:

  • Must be at least 21 years of age by July 27, 2020.
  • Serve actively in an adult troop leadership position for at least one year during the three-year period prior to the European Jamboree 2020.
  • Complete a position-specific for your position
  • Be able to serve as a role model of physical fitness.
  • File a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record parts A, B, and C, with the BSA International Department prior to departure.
  • Complete Youth Protection Training within one year of your arrival date at the 2020 European Jamboree site.
  • Be approved by the local council.
  • Wood Badge and additional elective training are desirable qualifications, although not required.

How does Registration work for the BSA Contingent?

In order to reduce costs and maximize safety, contingent participants (Youth + Unit Leader) will be required to register together as a patrol consisting of 9 youth + 1 Adult when possible.* The BSA contingent will be made up of a minimum of 2 patrols, growing to our designated size allotment in groups of 10. Accommodations for provisional youth and/or adults may be available dependent on interest. 

*A second adult will be required for a patrol if less than 2 patrols are registered from the same council/area. Example: if a patrol will be traveling separately from the contingent to arrive at a hub location, a second adult will be required to maintain Youth Protection. If a patrol (or 2 patrols from same council/area) contains female Participants, a minimum of one leader must be female, per Youth Protection Guidelines.   

As the graphic above shows, you will not be clear for take off until there is a full group of 10. Adult registrations will only be accepted  when attached to patrol or as a member of the CMT or IST*. Adults may also elect to be part of the International Service Team (IST). 
For more information on how patrol registration for International events works, contact the BSA International Department at 

*Adults interested in volunteering for a strictly provisional registration may contact the BSA International Department via email.

How are the Participant Types Defined?

Youth BSA Contingent Participant

Open to applicants who are currently registered in one of the Traditional BSA Programs and will meet the eligibility requirements at the time of the European Jamboree 2020. If you are a youth and you want to join in the fun- this option is for you. 

Eligibility: must be age 14-17: Birthday between August 6, 2002 and July 26, 2006.

Adult Unit Leader with BSA Contingent

Open to Applicants who are currently registered in one of the Traditional BSA Programs and will meet eligibility requirements at time of the European Jamboree 2020. Minimum of 1 Unit Leader registration is required for every 9 Scouts.

Eligibility: must be age 21 or older: Birthday before July 27, 1999.

Contingent Management Team for BSA

Applicants for the CMT of the BSA Contingent must be invited or selected by the Head of Contingent and meet eligibility requirements at the time of European Jamboree  2020. Applications for CMT may be found on the Travel /Events Page. 

Eligibility: must be age 21 or older: Birthday before July 27, 1999.

International Service Team Member

Open to Applicants who are currently registered in one of the Traditional BSA Programs, have leadership or international Scouting experience and will meet eligibility requirements at time of the European Jamboree 2020. Will report to ej2020 Host. 

Eligibility: must be age 18 or older: Birthday before July 27, 2002.

What's the Selection and Approval Process?

The Boy Scouts of America is limited to the number of participants and International Service Team Members it can send to the European Jamboree 2020. Based on anticipated participation, space could be limited.

Upon completion of registration, your home council will be contacted to verify that all information provided is true and accurate and approve that you are in good standing. Once the council has verified and approved you, the National Service Center will double check and verify your application and you’ll receive an email to provide additional information and pay your initial deposit OR you’ll receive an email letting you know that you will be put on a waiting list.

Youth Participants who are registering provisionally and incomplete patrols can expect to be placed on hold initially until additional participants register. 

While on a waiting list/on hold, participants and leaders should plan on staying current with payment deadlines or until otherwise advised by CMT or International Department Staff. 

This event has a 2 patrol (2 Adults, 18 Youth) minimum requirement for participants. Currently, the 2 patrol minimum has been met, but the BSA International Department reserves the right to reorganize the contingent to ensure that youth protection guidelines are met during travel and participation – This means that we may not be able to accommodate all provisional requests. If you are able to register with a group large enough to fill an entire patrol, that is preferable.   

...and how much is it going to cost?

Registration is currently closed to new applicants.  Please contact us if you are interested in being placed on a wait list. 
*If you have already applied, your application is currently in-process and you should be contacted soon if you have not been already.

Youth Cost

Scout - Ages 15-17
$ 3300 Overall Cost
  • Round-Trip Travel Included*
  • Custom Contingent Swag
  • Event Specific Insurance
  • Patrol Registration
Ages 15-17

Suggested Fee Schedule

Deposit – $250

4/30/19 – $570

6/30/19 – $570

9/30/19 – $570

12/31/19 – $570

2/28/20 – $570

4/30/20 – $200

Unit Leader Cost

Adult - Minimum Age: 21
$ 3300 Overall Cost
  • Round-Trip Travel Included*
  • Custom Contingent Swag
  • Event Specific Insurance
  • Patrol Registration

Suggested Fee Schedule

Deposit – $250

4/30/19 – $570

6/30/19 – $570

9/30/19 – $570

12/31/19 – $570

2/28/20 – $570

4/30/20 – $200

CMT Cost

INVITE ONLY - Minimum Age 21
$ 1400 Overall Cost
  • Round Trip Travel Included
  • Contingent Leadership
  • Event Specific Insurance

Suggested Fee Schedule

Deposit – $250

4/30/19 – $250

6/30/19 – $250

9/30/19 – $250

2/28/20 – $200

4/30/20 – $200

IST Member Cost

Adult - Minimum Age: 20
$ 650 Overall Cost
  • NO travel Costs Included
  • Staff Member for the Event
  • Event Specific Insurance
  • Individual Registration

Suggested Fee Schedule

Deposit – $250

6/30/19 – $150

12/31/19 – $150

4/30/20 – $125

*We’ve re-opened registration for IST. 

*Travel to a hub city may be required for a provisional individual/group dependent on number and distribution of contingent participants. Incurred costs and travel to/from hub would become the responsibility of the individual/group. Important Payment deadlines will be specified to registered participants after initial deposit.

Contingent Resource Library

Click on the tabs below to find important documents, agreements, promo materials and more!