Boy Scouts of America

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations serve the purpose of brevity; they are not always conducive to clarity. The Scouting abbreviations and acronyms listed here can aid communication when you know that your audience will quickly recognize them. Abbreviations may hinder communication with those new to or unfamiliar with the Scouting movement, so use abbreviations carefully and sparingly and avoid “alphabet soup.”

Be consistent in the use of abbreviations. When nonstandard (those not listed below) abbreviations or acronyms are used, spell out the term on first reference, followed by the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses.

  • AAMES – Association of African Methodist Episcopal Scouters
  • ABS – Association of Baptists for Scouting
  • ACM – assistant Cubmaster
  • AD – activities director
  • ADL – assistant den leader
  • AGC – Annual Giving Campaign
  • APL – assistant patrol leader
  • APO – Alpha Phi Omega
  • ASE – assistant Scout executive
  • ASM – assistant Scoutmaster
  • ASPL – assistant senior patr