The Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities is a printable website that keeps special needs and disability information accessible 24/7/365 to the BSA community. The Inclusion Toolbox does not read like a novel or textbook. It is designed to allow you to jump to the topics of greatest interest and then read other sections later. Use the Table of Contents and search feature to jump to what you need.
Here are the published modules of the Inclusion Toolbox:
- Fundamentals
- B: Camp Programs for Scouts with Special Needs and Disabilities
- C: Unit Leader’s Role Supporting Scouts with a Disability
- D: Parent’s Role Supporting a Scout with a Disability
- E: Navigating Advancement Requirements
- F: Methods That Apply to Many Types of Disabilities
- G: Organizations That Support Those with Disabilities
- H: Understanding Allergies and Food Issues
- K: Understanding Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity
- L:Understanding Autism
- M: Understanding Blindness and Vision Impairment
- N: Understanding Deafness and Hearing Impairment
- Q: Understanding Learning Disorders
- R: Understanding Physical Disabilities (Mobility/ Gross & Fine Motor)
- S: Understanding Speech and Language Disorders
- U: Disabilities Awareness Committees At All Levels
- V: Advancement for Council Advancement Committees