PowerPoint Presentations—for group instruction or individual review
Note expiration dates on all presentations. Check for updates at the appropriate time.
Introduction to the Guide to Advancement
This presentation provides further insight into one of the most critical publications produced by the BSA National Advancement Program Team. It is the official source for administering advancement in all Scouting America programs: Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts. This file may be opened and viewed on your computer or downloaded for later viewing or for presentation at a roundtable, university of Scouting, or other gathering. The intent is to provide a better understanding of how BSA advancement policies and procedures should be interpreted and implemented. Download PowerPoint Presentation
Today’s Advancement
The one-day, “Today’s Advancement” course provides new and experienced unit, district and council advancement administrators in-depth education regarding the management of advancement according to the Guide to Advancement. The course has been structured to allow district and council advancement chairs to provide this education locally, on schedules which best fit council and district operations.
The education covers such topics as management of unit advancement programs, building advancement committees, available advancement education materials, mechanics of advancement, coordinating positions of responsibilities, the Merit Badge program, boards of review, Eagle Scout applications, the Eagle Scout Service Project, and other important advancement topics. Download PowerPoint Presentation
Developing Council and District Advancement Committees
This presentation is intended to guide advancement chairs and committee members on how to build high-performing advancement committees at the unit, district, and council levels. It defines the roles, responsibilities, and organization of these committees and explains how to evaluate their effectiveness. This presentation is intended to be instructor-led and should take approximately 45 to 60 minutes including introductions, and up to 90 minutes with questions and answers. Download PowerPoint Presentation
The Eagle Scout Service Project Coach
This PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes is designed for Eagle Scout service project coaches who have been designated by councils or districts to provide guidance to Scouts whose service project proposals have been approved. It delivers the basic knowledge and skills needed to get started. It can also serve as a refresher for veterans. It is intended as an instructor-led presentation to project coaches of any experience level and takes 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Download PowerPoint Presentation
The Eagle Scout Service Project
This presentation, for unit leaders, advancement administrators, Scouts and parents, addresses the process and requirements for proposing, conducting, and reporting on Eagle Scout Service Projects It is intended as an instructor-led presentation and takes 45 to 60 minutes; up to an hour and a half with questions and answers. Download PowerPoint Presentation
Effective Troop Advancement
This presentation provides new and prospective troop advancement coordinators and troop advancement committee members with the basic knowledge and skills needed to get started. It can also serve as a refresher to veterans. Participants will learn about the advancement process, their unique role in it, and the related BSA national policies and procedures. The session is intended to be instructor-led and lasts approximately 60 to 90 minutes depending on the experience level of those attending. Download PowerPoint Presentation
The Essentials of Merit Badge Counseling
This PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes covers the required procedures for merit badge counseling, clarifies the role of counselors in the BSA advancement program, and discusses the appropriate approaches to use in working with Scouts. It is intended as an instructor-led presentation to counselors of any experience level and takes 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Download PowerPoint Presentation
The Merit Badge Program
This presentation, for unit leaders, merit badge counselors, advancement administrators, and parents, addresses the merit badge program and it’s benefits to Scouting. It includes the procedures for earning merit badges, merit badge counselor qualifications, the process of counseling, necessary counselor certifications and limitations, and administration of the merit badge counselor program. It is intended as an instructor-led presentation to counselors of any experience level and takes 45 to 60 minutes; up to an hour and a half with questions and answers. Download PowerPoint Presentation
Guardian of the Gate
Darnall Daley reading his article, “Guardian of the Gate.” The piece has appeared in Advancement News and is considered by the National Advancement Program Team to be the most accurate accounting of the proper approach to advancement. Click here to view the video.