Boy Scouts of America

Program Sponsorships

K-5th Grade Program Sponsorships with Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts progress towards a badge of rank based on their grade level. To earn each badge of rank, a Cub Scout earns six required and two elective Adventures that build character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness. Activities include many fun experiences like fishing, camping, conservation, swimming, and biking, and many integrated components.

Pinewood Derby

Newly a formal elective adventure, the Pinewood Derby is the most celebrated tradition in Scouting for boys and girls ages 5-10+.

Become a part of the action where the rubber meets the road by sponsoring race car parts, decals, or the national program to get your brand at the forefront of this time-honored tradition!

Youth Ages 11-17 Program Sponsorships with Scouts BSA

Scouts BSA youth ages 11-17 can learn about sports, STEAM, trades, business, and future careers by earning merit badges. With more than 135 merit badges to choose from, any Scout, or qualified Venturer or Sea Scout may earn any of these at any time. By sponsoring a merit badge, you can help revise requirements as needed to reflect updated information and technology and directly associate your brand with a unique and memorable Scouting learning experience. Don’t see the merit badge you’re looking for? Let’s collaborate to develop an exciting new offering that aligns with our shared missions and goals.

Eagle Scout Service Project
Merit beyond the badge

Since it was first awarded in 1912, more than two million youth have achieved Scouting America’s highest rank, the Eagle Scout. Of these, roughly tens of thousands are newly awarded annually. Eagle Scouts are more likely than those who have never been in Scouting to:

Become a part of this prestigious youth journey by sponsoring an Eagle Scout project, now achievable for all youth. During this project, Scouts prepare, plan, and develop a comprehensive community project to demonstrate their leadership skills. This is your opportunity to associate your brand with Scouting America’s highest-ranking achievement!

Interested in partnering with us with program sponsorships?
Get in touch today!