Boy Scouts of America



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Abilene Christian University
Managed by University
Award Amount: $500 – $999
Application Due: See university website.

ACU offers a $1,000 scholarship for students who have obtained any of the following achievements through Scouting America: Eagle Scout, Venturing Silver or Sea Scouting Quartermaster. This scholarship is renewable annually, for up to four years.

American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year 
National BSA Community Relationships Committee
Award Amount: $5,000 – $9,999

“The Eagle Scout who best meets the qualifications outlined in the nomination application will be selected as the American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year by the National Americanism Commission. The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year will join the youth champion delegation and participate in the annual National Convention.”

Captain James J. Regan Memorial Scholarship
National Exploring Office
Award Amount: $2,000 – $4,999
Application Due: March 31 annually

“Any law enforcement Explorer who is in the 12th grade or in an accredited college program may apply. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their academic record, leadership ability, extracurricular activities, and a personal statement on “”What significance I place on a technical background in law enforcement.”””